Large Study Identifies Key Risk Factors of COVID-19 Death in Hospitalized Patients
This medRxiv paper (not peer reviewed yet) presents a cohort study of >17 million medical records that includes >5500 COVID-19 related...
Please follow my twitter account @jsm2334 for more recent commentaries and threads on COVID-19 topics
Finding the signal in the noise of Covid-19
Reporting and balanced evaluation of research results, data sets, applications and models, and commentaries related to Covid-19 and its underlying virus, SARS-Cov-2
This medRxiv paper (not peer reviewed yet) presents a cohort study of >17 million medical records that includes >5500 COVID-19 related...
Nice article in WSJ talking about how the key question is how we can relax total lockdowns to more targeted social distancing to mitigate...
My PhD student Emma Zohner has updated our web application to study testing , incidence and mortality by state for the USA or by country...
A report by the Imperial College COVID Response Team has built a model for the "reproduction rate" Rt over time for Italy based on...
A paper just published in top journal Nature Medicine presents results from a well-designed study randomly assigning people infected with...
In response to a friend's concern that the lifting of lockdown restrictions is somehow encouraging and enabling reckless behavior, I put...
This treatment is so controversial. Too bad the president pushed it so hard and oversold it, but I think we have to be careful not to...
One of my long-time collaborators, Professor Philip Brown of the University of Kent at Canterbury, and two colleagues have written a...
The FDA has revised their policy on antibody testing approval to try to combat what they see as fraudulent and illicit claims made by...
Opinion piece in the Scientist provides good information about the problems in some of the reported serology tests. It discusses some of...
This German study using blood antibody tests of a random sample of residents in a German town estimated that the true case rate is about...
Regeneron and Sanofi provided interim update in randomized phase 2/3 trial of Kevzara, and IL6-inhibitor. They decided moving forward to...
Article in Philadelphia Inquirer today about training dogs to recognize SARS-CoV-2 infections in samples, and then seeing if they can be...
This opinion piece in TheHill by Scott Atlas, a Stanford health policy expert, makes the case for a relaxation of current lockdowns based...
Nice NY Times opinion piece on Laurie Garrett, who wrote extensively about the lack of preparation in the world for pandemic for years,...
This article in Science argues against what they call "research exceptionalism", which involves setting aside the usual expected...
USA Today article mentions that 16,000, or about 25% of all USA deaths from COVID-19, have occurred at nursing homes. This is staggering!...
Science article discusses a very unusual symptom of COVID-19 -- alarmingly low blood oxygen levels in people that seem to feel fine. Our...
This NY times article mentions how in some parts of the world extreme lockdowns have major consequences far beyond what the USA is...
Nice article in USA Today on questions and confusion with antibody tests. Antibody, or serology, tests measure whether a person has...