What have we learned about COVID-19, and what can we expect? The statistics that matter.
Here is a video of a presentation I have for the Business Institute for my undergraduate university Messiah University, a liberal arts...
Please follow my twitter account @jsm2334 for more recent commentaries and threads on COVID-19 topics
Finding the signal in the noise of Covid-19
Reporting and balanced evaluation of research results, data sets, applications and models, and commentaries related to Covid-19 and its underlying virus, SARS-Cov-2
Here is a video of a presentation I have for the Business Institute for my undergraduate university Messiah University, a liberal arts...
A commentary was published in New England Journal of Medicine yesterday "Rethinking Covid-19 Tests Sensitivity -- A Strategy for...
A paper was just published yesterday in Science presenting results from a contact tracing study in two states in southern India that...
The federal government micromanaging the scientific messaging coming from the CDC is a real problem, as emphasized by the NY Times...
I gave a presentation at University of Pittsburgh (virtually of course) on 9/24/20, and discussed my motivation and vision for this blog,...
Prevent Epidemics has a Weekly Science Review that provides brief summary and discussion of major peer-reviewed scientific articles on...
I was asked to give a presentation by the University of Pennsylvania Faculty-Staff Christian Forum today, entitled "COVID-19: A...
I have previously posted about how I believe fast antigen tests are the key for surveillance and safe school reopenings here and here. ...
Here is a recent report talking about some of the data recording problems in Texas, which has been a mess for a long time. The gist of...
This video by Ivor Cummins describes some of his unconventional viewpoints. He supports the position that mandatory lockdowns were not...
This week the FDA gave emergency approval for the use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID-19, making the strategy broadly available to...
School openings will bring hundreds to thousands of individuals together for long periods of time from communities with substantial...
This article describes Israels' experience with the pandemic, in which sudden and apparently careless opening of schools seems to have...
The SEC commissioner said "we are running out of time" to get the virus under control if there is going to be a college football season....
We have updated our covid tracking plotting app to allow daily/smoothed/per capita plots. Here is the 7-day moving average for new...
The past few weeks have seen an alarming surge of incidence of SARS-CoV-2 in Arizona, Texas, Florida, and South Carolina, with upticks...
As states have reopened, the media has watched carefully for evidence of a "surge". Some naive analyses look only at cases/day, which...
Since states started opening up from stay-at-home orders in late April, we have seen heterogeneous results. Some states have showed...
Unherd.com has published an article discussing some ideas about COVID-19 with Karl Friston, who is a leading and impactful statistical...
Today, I was interviewed for the Gist podcast by Mike Pesca -- kool dude, great podcast and I was honored to get to be interviewed on it...